Stackoverflow 2020 survey data analysis

Dec 7, 2020

Use stackoverflow survey data to comprehend data analysis and build predictive model to explore data insights.

In this project, we aimed to deploy the Stackoverflow 2020 developer survey dataset to explore the following questions:

  1. Does higher income guarantee better job satisfication?
  2. What is the main factor that effects job satisfication and salary?
  3. Is there different intendency that best contribute to job satisfication and salary in different group(age, sex, race)?
  4. What is the most popular tools(database, develop platform, webplatform) used by the highest degree developers?

5. What is the mean time spent for developers to become the highest degree?

6. How often does most developers spend on learning?


The dataset used in this project is from Stackoverflow annual developer survey host in 2020:

In sum 64461 samples, containing 61 different questions relating personal features and developer questions.

